Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful weekend, we all certainly did! Check out this update for everything we’ve been up to over the last few days:

Becker College Alumni Award

First, this Saturday our CEO, Ryan Canuel, was honored to receive the first ever Becker College Alumni Association Excellence Award for founding Petricore. It’s a huge honor to receive this award, and a testament to the hard work that everyone at Petricore puts in each day. A HUGE thank you to everyone at the Becker College Alumni Association for this award.

BFIG Talks 2017

Also, some of the Petricrew was in attendance this weekend for the 2nd Annual BFIG Talks, which was an absolute blast! We got to spend the day reconnecting with our gamedev peers, talk business, and show off our latest project, Battery Boy. Ryan joined IchiroRejonEmma, and Francesca to do a series of micro-talks about various game industry topics. It was great, and we managed to fill the room! Thanks to everyone who showed up to the talk, as well as Francesca for putting it all together.

Battery Boy

We’ve been pretty quiet about our latest game Battery Boy, but we’ve still been plugging away. Check out a sneak peak of the Icy Battery Boy Skin, and “The Gentleman” Costume. These are only 2 of the many awesome accessories you’ll be able to unlock! We’ll also be demoing our latest build at Woo Game Pile tomorrow night, so make sure to come check it out.